Co-parenting in these trying times
When I announced a few years ago to family and friends that I had made a decision to leave the life of a lawyer behind and pursue read more...
My conversation with Gabrielle Hartley, Author of the book “Better Apart – The Radically Positive Way to Separate.”
Gabrielle Hartley is a leading attorney based in the US for nearly 25 read more...
My top five tips to help you get over resentments and holding onto grudges
When the actions and words of another are perceived as hurtful it can trigger feelings of anger and read more...
Having trouble serving your divorce application on your spouse?
Service is a requirement so that the other party is notified of the pending application for divorce. If you and your read more...
How do you serve divorce papers on your spouse?
Service is the process of delivering court documents on the other party after they have been filed read more...
How to improve your relationships with mindful communication
We are communicating all the time, with our significant other, our children, our friends and co-worker read more...
Parenting Co-ordination is drawing support from the Former Chief Justice of the Family Court
This weekend the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts held it’s annual conference in Sydney and read more...
Managing communication at home while self-isolating
Being indoors and in confinement with family has it’s many challenges and will test your relationship and your patience read more...
I found the Divorce Right team easy to work with and helpful. They also encouraged open communication with my partner in resolving and agreeing on matters in relation to my separation.
Felix W